Dave you are a resource to us, we greatly appreciate your efforts towards mobilizing assistive devices to help the disability community in Busia District, Uganda. People with disabilities are picking their devices from office, and we are organizing to take them to those in rural areas who cannot afford to come to office.
Sincere thanks from, Focus on Disability and Development. FODIDE ![]() It is said that this man is 120 years old and is from the Maasai tribe in the Rift Valley, Kenya. He received a wheelchair recently from C4A. The wheelchair was donated, shipped, and delivered due to the generous supporters of Crutches 4 Africa. "I have personally witnessed the joy of those who are assisted in improving their mobility..."12/31/2012
![]() I trust that the balance of the trip after Malindi was fine and fruitful. May you be blessed most abundantly for your goodness to humanity, and especially so in Kenya where I have personally witnessed the joy of those who are assisted in improving their mobility and life in general. J., our distribution partner in Kenya ![]() "Attached are some of the pictures of the people who benefited from the provision of the walking aid you donated in our facility during your visit. In fact, each one of them was extremely happy and if given opportunity and cost, could design his or her own best way of thanking you and your team for that highest level of generosity. We at the facility also extend the same feelings of humility for you having recognized our facility and making it one of your stopping zones on your road to Emmaus. " - Mr. K. O., Community Health Extension Worker for the Ministry of Public Health and Sanitation and a volunteer with Kenya Red Cross. On one of my trips to Africa I encountered a woman crawling on her hands and the stumps of her legs that had been amputated. She was literally 18” off the rocky ground. We got a wheelchair to a local service club that passed it on to a local church pastor who gave it to the woman.
Next month we will go to Joyland Special School and donate the remaining devices. We intend to do this during parents and teachers meeting. We will share with you some of the photos so that you can see how your effort and generosity continue to brighten the lives of many people with disabilities. Thank you so much!
J. O., Africa You do not always get a chance to meet such a great humanitarian.
D. R., Saco, ME I am amazed at your commitment and concern which is very much inspiring to me and motivated me to see if I can also join hands with you for your most useful and Humanitarian project...
Dr. V., India Hi David,
I hope your trips, both to Kitale and Uganda were successful? Mine is to express the impact that meeting you left in me. I kind of saw a totally new Rotary world through you. Much as Polio war is getting better and better, it has been so rare to talk about those affected already! To imagine that you were a victim yourself and understands most what the victims experience on daily basis, your actions are greatly noble. In developing countries, ours included, polio victims are outcasts! They should crawl on the ground and wait for handouts. Period! I have lived amongst those affected and am sure what you are trying to do translates very strongly, the say of “ service above self”. We have had foreigners like you coming over here to look for victims of poverty, only to come with goodies, sell and enjoy their Holidays. I have seen quite a number. Even here in Kisumu. YOU ARE JUST AMAZING BROTHER. You rightly say in your catalogue that; “MOBILITY, the most basic human right”. If Paul Harris woke up today and saw what you are doing, am sure the kind of AWARD he would offer you may be out of this world. Maxwell has shown practically that those Kenyans in the diasporas, should look over their shoulders and seek assistance from friends outside there. He is a true Kenyan, who will be blessed. The two of you are simply amazing to say the least. What you guys are doing is summarised in your catalogue again, because our Nation stands to gain; “Lives are changed and nations move forward when all the Citizens are able to participate in the life of the Nation”. This is what you guys have just done to our Nation. So much more needs to be done through us, who have seen the light through you. As mentioned during our little chats, I will discuss with our sitting President, to see how best we would partner with you for a possible project in the same line. I could go on and on, but the bottom line is that your actions are speaking volumes and are bound to change many more lives. May you be rewarded abundantly. RTN. P.P. G.P.O. ONYANGO ASSISTANT GOVERNOR, WESTERN KENYA 1 From a partner in Africa:
We all thank you so much for your effort in ensuring that people with disabilities in Africa who cannot afford mobility devices get some of the best from warm-hearted people. We thank you, your team, and all donors for this worthy course and we pray that you are given the strength to continue working for the poor and marginalized. J. O., Africa |